
I Like Myself

Even though you should try not to worry, Try to find better things to worry about than trivial things, Like being popular, Or what some random people think about you, Don’t you have more important stuff to worry about, Yes! I say don’t worry, But eventually we all do, So make sure when you do it’s something important, Try not to worry and put it in God’s hands, Don’t worry about things that don’t matter, Things that you have no control of, Like other people’s thoughts and reactions, Worrying can make you sick, sad and it wastes your precious time

I Can't Trust You

Who can you trust? No one, Not even yourself, I told you something in private, And you tell everyone else, Thats my fault for running my mouth, That's my fault for trusting you, It wasn't even gossip it was real things that happened, I can't believe you're just a fabricating storyteller, Can't be believed can't be trusted, I should have known, I'm way too old to be falling for immature traps, What is going on...

Writers Block

Thoughts, Can you run out, I don't know, I don't think so


I don't care about popularity or fame, Recognize the message and purpose, Understand the name, The message is clear, The name C Sincere, The respect and fear is for God, Life is hard and confusing, I'm trying to it out 

Try Not To Worry

Even though you should try not to worry, Try to find better things to worry about than trivial things, Like being popular, Or what some random people think about you, Don’t you have more important stuff to worry about, Yes! I say don’t worry, But eventually we all do, So make sure when you do it’s something important, Try not to worry and put it in God’s hands, Don’t worry about things that don’t matter, Things that you have no control of, Like other people’s thoughts and reactions, Worrying can make you sick, sad and it wastes your precious time

The Good Fight

Trying to fight a good fight,  The good fight, Why?  Why not, Makes me feel better, Gives me purpose and hope, Keep trying, Keep Fighting.

Dancing In The Rain

I’m learning how to dance in the rain , How to smile through the pain , How to have purpose and not think what I’ve accomplished was in vain , I understand that life is full of ups and downs, it’s never the same, Problems and situations never cease, I may never have total peace on the outside , I can try to get peace on the inside , I don’t want to hide my feelings and emotions, I want to control my emotions and my reactions I want to learn how to dance in the rain…